Monday, October 31, 2011

A house in order Part 1

This is a literal and figurative sense.  We really have been able to get our house in a little more order this past week.  And the challenge continues this week.  Last Monday  I FINALLY got my carpets cleaned!  I have thought it would be a good goal to get my carpets cleaned every year to year and a half... now I'm quite sure it has been at least 3.  Gross... at least for our family.  I have let my kids eat in the living room and of course for all get togethers we have, we have people eating meals in rooms with carpet plus a dog, that sheds and toddlers that are potty training... need I say more, no!  So dog is out of living room area, only snacks that vacuum up and water are permitted in living room (exception of parties... although children will need to eat in kitchen then too) and potty training, well we will just hope transition out of pull ups goes well.
So anyway this was just the jump start I needed.  Everything out and as little as possible back in!  Our computer made a move to the basement and the kids now have a little space to call their own.  I did not put as many toys back in the room and they play much more intentionally and even are better at picking up.  This is huge for us.  We have 4 children 4 and under and playing well together or alone seems to always pose a challenge.  It makes me wonder how any more children will fit in but I think we need to realize that more children does not have to mean more stuff!
I have gotten rid of loads of stuff either to the garbage, garage sale bag or give away bag and it feels empowering.  It clears my mind and I can function better.  I can take better care of my spiritual life, family and my self!  I love it.  My husband loves it too.  We plan to start shifting some responsibilities around as well so this could be big.  I feel like we are on the verge of something big; just really refocusing ourselves and it's good.  God has began a good work in us.... and will be faithful to complete it.  I know this work began long ago but we feel like this is a new season for us.  There may be more babies to come but it seems like a least all the children won't be babies at the same time anymore!

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