Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Julia... my challenge.

How interesting that I "started" this post many months ago but didn't really write anything.  I know for sure that I had no idea what was coming.  To say she is a challenge can be an understatement but to say she is a blessing is the truest statement I can say.

This is something I started writing for her about 8 months ago...
You are my baby. What can I say as you approach 9 months old? I really don't know where the time has gone. You came as a huge surprise; one that was accompanied with tears. Tears of fear, anticipation and eventually joy. You came with a delivery that I can not possibly ever truly explain and with your delivery I didn't know what to think about having another daughter. I think for me, daughters are scary. I don't think I am yet the woman I or God wants me to completely be so how am I to form three little girls into godly women? But you are so happy and engaging. You love people and their faces... from afar. You are a mamas girl which I admit challenges me more than anyone can imagine. I love you so deeply and cannot imagine our family without you. At 9 months you are crawling, clapping, pulling yourself up on your knees and wanting any type of "real" food you can get you hands on.

The above paragraph brings tears to my eyes!  Julia is the first child I am going to write about as a contribution to my legacy files.  When I suspected I was pregnant with her I was scared and frustrated.  Scared that I wouldn't be able to handle 4 children and frustrated that my husband and I hadn't thought about trying to prevent pregnancy.  Afterall, we want 4 to 5 children and maybe more so why prevent it until we are there?  But with 7 month old twin girls and a 2 year old boy, the spacing seemed too close.  I cried!  As the preganancy went along, and I knew we had family support, the joy of having another child came.  It came slowly but as her birth approached my children got older, I felt like I had more energy and the anticipation of meeting my child was wonderful.  I also knew I had Emily (a cousin-like relative of my husband) coming to help with the three older children and the house for the summer.  (More on Emily later-what a blessing she is to our whole family).

We she was born there was a period of a few minutes we did not know if she was a boy or a girl.  On the way to the hospital though, my husband and I had settled on a first name for a girl because "you know this baby really could be a girl".  Julia-I loved the name.  It was so beautiful and timeless.  And when they said she was a girl.... I wanted her to be a boy.  This is not said to hurt her; just reality.  But at the same time, I knew my Julia was here and I wanted to meet her.  God had given me a good pregnancy and birth and God had given me HER.  Another girl to love, discipline and form into a godly woman.  I hope we are great friends when she is older because she has a great spirit!  From the moment I held her in my arms I knew she was meant to be here, be a girl and be mine.  I praise God for that.

What can I say about our Julia?
She is a smiler.  She can capture an audience with one smile a shoulder shrug and crickled nose.
She is the child who can capture a stranger's whole world.  I mean this literally.  People will just stop, stare, comment but will not leave.  I will finally leave an encounter with someone and they will just keep staring.  Seriously it's weird.  But they love her.  She has presense!
She is a talker.  She will be 17 months in 1 week and she speaks in sentences.  Ex.  What's that?  Whose that?  Looking at a picture of herself, "That's Julia, Mommy", and Hannah, where are you?
And she can get around.  Up, down, climbing... no problem.
She is helpful.  Bringing each person the right pair of shoes or whatever she my find; she gives it to the right person.
She wants her mommy; there is no question.  And papa Clarence is not far behind.
She has volume.  You never have to wonder if she just said something.
She love apples and m&ms.
She wears size 3 diapers, 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoe.
She LOVES being outside!
She is a hugger.
She can sing most of Jesus Loves Me, God Made Me and Deep and Wide
...No lie, I think she just said "candy" as I picked her up out of her crib this morning; she wanted more than we would give her last night!
And we think she will change the world; prayerfully to the glory of God.

I love my life with Julia in it.  She has challenged me for the good.  Patience is a neccessity. And blessing abound.  I cannot wait to see all you will become.

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