Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where I began.

Mom & Me by janelleh1
Mom & Me, a photo by janelleh1 on Flickr.
What is my heritage... my mom, my dad, my grandparents. So many people. Some love or loved God and others maybe don't or didn't but God gave them all to me and I love the piece of them that is in me.
My grandparents and parents are or were(meaning they are in heaven now) followers of Christ. How awesome is that. That doesn't mean there were not struggles. There were many... financial difficulties, divorce and remarriage, miscarriages, untimely deaths, unplanned pregnancies, etc. These struggles formed us but do not define us. I think we have let many of these thing define us instead of leading us to a new place of grace and healing. I know many of my childhood memories were formed and saturated with these struggles but I want to let them go and have them be steps to bring me closer to God.
My parents were Christians when they got married and are still married today after 45 years of marriage. Praise the Lord! My brother is 9 years older than me so the road to my mom's pregnancy was long and much anticipated. I know I was prayed for long before I was conceived... what a great heritage. I know I was an answer to prayer; why is that hard to admit. I have been told that at different times in my life but I don't think I've let in sink in. I'm not being proud; I want to be secure in God's plan for my life and to know that prayer were uttered for me before I was born is amazing! God has a plan for everyone of us and we are an answer to someone's prayer. We may not even know whose prayer we are answer too yet but one day we will even if it's not on this side of heaven.
I have always known in my head that I was loved but I didn't always and still don't always let it get to my heart.
So our heritage is rich even if our past isn't perfect and our future has so many riches yet to come if we as followers of Christ. Thank you mom and dad for being my most immediate heritage that I can be thankful for!

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