The appointment went really well-PRAISE THE LORD! Jay was able come to the appointment with me yesterday too so that made it all the more special. The exam, etc. went as expected and Dr. Brown set February 28th, 2009 as the offical due date. Prior to listening to the heartbeat, I told him that I had to tell him something. So I said I had had an ultrasound at work because of the feeling that there were twins and that we did in fact see two. There was a small attempt to hear the heartbeat and then we did an ultrasound (because there needs to be a indication). Then we saw them!!!!!!!! Both moving around with strong heartbeats. One seemed more active and one seemed more laid back and cooperative but maybe that was just at that moment. They both measure around 12 weeks (not exact measurements really because it was just an office ultrasound and not done by an ultrasound tech) so they are a good size and measure right how far along I am. I'm 13 weeks today. I guess 34-37 weeks is a good gestation period for twins so we could start to expect them late January to early February.
The appointment schedule changes with a twin pregnancy. My next appointment is September 18th and my 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for October 9th so then we may know what sex they are! I will have an ultrasound every 4 weeks and start every 2 week appointments after 24 weeks so that will be a lot. Then a 28 weeks, they start non-stress tests to make sure the babies are doing ok. It all seems overwhelming at times but I feel so blessed to be having two babies and pray that it will be a healthy pregnancy with healthy babies.
Hey Janelle!
It was fun to visit with you. I am so glad the babies are moving around and measuring right where they should be. Just think, in less than a year we could be getting together with six children between the two of us. Things certainly do change. Lots of love and many prayers, Ann
peter said last night that he thought God told him he was going to have a little 'buddy' and i have been thinking that too for some reason. So, peter wants to find out but i am kind of thinking no. we're still not sure yet. It will be exciting for you to find out- it is a neat experience, and oct. seems like just around the corner!! The only thing that stinks about October is BEETS.
So glad to hear that your appointment went so well! And yeah for pictures! Any chance you could give a little description of what/who's where in that ultrasound? I'm not too familiar with looking at them ;-)
Well, the two black circles are the amniotic sacs and the left side is a side profile of one baby and the right side is the top of other baby's head or something-the right side one just wasn't lying the same way.
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