Isn't this the truth. This is just a little quote I came across on a blog that I follow. It is so true. We do this. I find myself doing this even today. We have a house full of sick kids and a couple of sleep deprived parents. I find my fuse very short this round of illness. I'm usually right on task as helping people that are sick was my lifes work for so long. My nighttime shift has always been a little hard but this one seems nearly impossible. I'm out of sync. For some reason, my body just won't adjust to this one. And our youngest is trying me to the moon and back.
And I think I'm being tempted, tempted to be less Christ-like than I desire... and I'm not winning. I want to be kind and loving but my words and actions just are not there sometimes. I'm studying James; I want my life to reflect the words in this book of the Bible. I also want my husband's work at our church to be fruitful and give him the time he needs for that to be guilt-free. I want my husband to also be able to full fill his dream of having a productive adventure with animals on our farm. And I want to be an active part of saving the lives of unborn babies and the lives of their families. I want to be a great wife and mom. I believe God desires all these things for us too and I think because our desire to bring glory to God in all these things, we are being tempted... being tempted to give up. But I won't.
I really want my whole life to be a wonderful story. Even the darkest of nights. But I have to remember that everyone has challenges and struggles and that I'm not in this alone and I don't need to compare especially my struggles with everyone's triumphs. I need to LEARN to give thanks in every situation.
I will go back now to my puking kids, baskets of laundry and be grateful. Grateful that I have a family. And be thankful that my behind-the-scenes acts with ultimately one day be the best hightlight reel I could ever hope for!
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