I've definitely grown and so have the twins. At the 20 week appointment, the twins weighed appoximately 9 and 10 oz respectively and I measured about 20 weeks. Now at the 24 week appointment, the twins both weighed appoximately 1.2 pounds and I measured 28 weeks.
The ultrasound went well and their heart rates were 150 and 153. They did cooperate with this ultrasound and they were able to get a good look at their spines and get the measurements and all looked well. Baby B has a thickening of a tendon in her left heart ventricle which can mean a few things or nothing. They did do a few more measurements and took a good look at the heart and everything looks normal so everything should be fine but prayers are always appreciated. God is in control and we trust his faithfulness.
I'm starting to feel big and need more rest times. Soreness in my abdomen and back are common but not bad. The babies move a lot and now Jay can feel them and sometimes we can even see them so that is so fun.
A couple that I met in Dr. Brown's office has been on my heart lately. The are due with triples a week after I'm due with the twins. They will be delivered by c-section when she is 32 weeks, which is around January 9th. I'm just ask for prayer for them.
Until next time...bye. Hopefully I will be more faithful with my undates!
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