Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I woke up having cramps last Friday morning. I didn't think it was anything too serious so I just got ready for the day and headed to Warren for a girls playdate. I did call the nurse on my way and told her everything and she just wanted me to drink lots of water and rest.

When I headed to my parents, I still didn't feel the best but I thought I was just getting tired. I took a nap but woke up not feeling any better and not right. So of course I cried. My mom called Cheryll and she found Jay and Dr. Brown wanted me to head to the hospital to be checked and monitored. Once I was checked I did contract every 3 minutes for about 45 minutes but they stopped. All in all I had a bladder infection. Praise the Lord. The babies aren't ready to come yet so that was an answer to prayer.

I've been feeling pretty well since then just really tired at times. I have my next appointment on Thursday and hope to be pregnant at least until February 2nd and then hope they are both born healthy and able to come home with us right away. God is good.

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