Monday, January 26, 2009

35 weeks

I was offically 35 weeks on January 24th, 2009. I had my appointment that Thursday before. The babies were both head down and had strong heartbeats. Baby A is low, which is why I can feel her head sometimes now. I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I measured 40cm. Last night and today I started having some contractions that hurt. They are still irregular and stop except for an occasional one when I sit down. I really want to make it until the end of the week. My last scheduled ultrasound before I deliver is planned for this Thursday so pray all is still ok and that they have grown well and are close to eachother in weight. I always wonder how long the placenta will stay really healthy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

34 weeks

The appointment went well yesterday. The heartrates were about the same; 136 and 147. I measure 39-40 weeks which means they are growing. And my bladder infection seems to have cleared. I will start going to appointments every week now since they could decide to come at any time. My next ultrasound is on January 29th so hopefully the last one will soon follow to make sure they are head down for delivery. My goal is 2-3 more weeks plus a few days more because my body is ready to be done. We have more stuff ready for them at home and eagerly await their arrival!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I woke up having cramps last Friday morning. I didn't think it was anything too serious so I just got ready for the day and headed to Warren for a girls playdate. I did call the nurse on my way and told her everything and she just wanted me to drink lots of water and rest.

When I headed to my parents, I still didn't feel the best but I thought I was just getting tired. I took a nap but woke up not feeling any better and not right. So of course I cried. My mom called Cheryll and she found Jay and Dr. Brown wanted me to head to the hospital to be checked and monitored. Once I was checked I did contract every 3 minutes for about 45 minutes but they stopped. All in all I had a bladder infection. Praise the Lord. The babies aren't ready to come yet so that was an answer to prayer.

I've been feeling pretty well since then just really tired at times. I have my next appointment on Thursday and hope to be pregnant at least until February 2nd and then hope they are both born healthy and able to come home with us right away. God is good.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

32 weeks

I had my 32 week appointment on December 31st. The ultrasound showed that the girls were both still head down and baby A is moving down. They are still within 1% of eachother for growth at appoximately 3 lbs. 11 oz. There was no change otherwise so I still have every two appointments! My goal date is February 3rd and anytime after that would be just fine, it seems. I really want to avoid the NICU. It seems to be coming quickly and dragging on at the same time. I have had a cold for the past week and a half so that has really run me down.

We might get the nursery painted this week and some other organizational things done so I'm excited about that. Jay and Jack got me a glider rocker for my birthday today and it is so comfortable. I'm going to get the ottoman hopefully and then I will have a nice place for nursing/rocking the girls (just need the twin nursing pillow). My parents are puchasing a pack 'n play for us too so then I will feel sort of ready. We have a couple of outfits but I want to wait for more sleepers, etc and diapers until we know what size they are.
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