Tuesday, December 9, 2008

28 weeks

At 28 weeks, I'm feeling pretty good and really big. The appointment went really well. The babies are still really close to the same size and seem healthy. Both are approximately 2 lbs. 2 oz. and both did turn and were head down. We hope they stay in this position! Their heartrates were 145 and 151. Everything looked good for me too; no reason to be on bedrest yet. This week has proved a little more challenging. I tend to tire easily and I am pretty sore everywhere. Keeping up with everything is getting more difficult. I'm so happy that I've made it this far and hope all goes well and I can stay pregnant for 7 to 8 more weeks! Jack is doing well but is thrown off by the construction in the house. It will be so nice when things are a little more normal. I did happen to run into the lady who is having triplets and she is doing well too! Keep her in you prayers as well.

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