We have done a little traveling lately and it has been fun. A couple of weekends ago we were able to go to Minneapolis and be a part of my brother and and sister-in-laws's wedding gift opening. The kids have done so well traveling. They were entertained by books, toys and movies and did pretty well with napping too. We stop along the way and usually get to spend time with our good friend Alesha. She's always up for having lunch with us and having us as house guests. In Minneapolis, as I mentioned, we stayed with my cousins' family. They are so hospitable. We have our own rooms, wonderful meals and Sylvia who loves to play with and read to Jack, Hannah and Rebekah. We also spent some time with Kevin and Leanna which is so nice. I love that he is married! I'm sure he does too.
Jay's time was spent a little differently. He brought our dog Ava to the breeders. Yes, we are excited to finally be able to make the trip down to have her bred. This has been our intention all along and to be finally feeling like we are starting to accomplish our goal for her is such a good feeling. Jay did join us for one night in St Paul and we were able to travel home with him. Now we hope that she has a safe pregnancy and a nice litter of puppies come late April or early May. I wish I could say that she was as excited (she was excited, I guess, but in a way that scared some of the male dogs).
On the way home, my mom and I decided to stay with the kids in Fargo Monday night so we could shop. Jay had to get home to the cows who were possibly due to have their calves. I did find a few good deals while shopping so it was a worth while stay plus we actually got to spend a little more time with Alesha.
Last weekend we needed to return to Wisconsin to pick Ava up. Jay, me and Jack took a road trip through Duluth. It was nice to have a time with just Jack. He loved picking Ava up and of course swimming at the hotel. We hope to be able to spend time in Duluth this summer when we return with the litter of puppies. My mom and dad were willing to stay with the girls at our home. It was so nice to just leave them and know they were comfortable at home. My dad was also excited to be part of farm life for a while. They are such a blessing to us!
It was nice to be away for a while. Even though they are short trips, it's nice to have new scenery and be with friends and family.