Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Why is it when I feel like I'm in a valley, I forget to look up to the mountains. I love mountains but I've never thought about climbing them. I'm in a valley right now and need to remember how beautiful the mountains are and how peaceful a valley can be. This has been such a crazy summer and the fall as proven to be even more interesting.
Julia is four months old now and I cannot believe how much she has grown and changed. She's rolling over, making her baby sounds, playing in the exersaucer and being the happiest baby ever-one of the beautiful mountains that surround me. My peaceful valley with her is that one year ago, I found out I was pregnant with her. That was more than shocking to say the least but my life wouldn't
be complete without her.
Jack is becoming a boy right before my eyes. He is not my baby anymore... it's not just me and him. I miss those days with sweet regret that I did not enjoy them more. He's my first born and that is something special. He challenges me in good and bad ways (definitely a valley some days and not peaceful for the most part and there is something there that I need to make peace with) but he is such a good boy. I love watching him with Julia-explaining everything to their just like Grandpa Clarence does for him-he loves her so much. And reciting Bible verses and telling me he's ready to ask Jesus into his heart! What a special day that was-another of the beautiful mountains around me- belief through the eyes of a child.
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Well, she is my "why do you have to remind me of myself" child. She is dramatic.. I think it could be channeled in the right ways but I haven't figured that out yet. She love clothes and all things in excess but you have to love her spirit. Listening to her sing "Jesus Loves Me" is wonderful and she will keep everyone on their toes. She is a great part of my life landscape.
Bekah- she is a trooper. She and I definitely fell into a valley 3 weeks ago when I fell down the stairs with her and she broke her leg. She did fuss right away but after that she has barely voiced a complaint. She has made do with the circumstances put before her. And she likes to make me laugh... especially when I don't want to... this makes her dad laugh all the more. She has a strong spirit.
So I'm sitting here in the mist of this valley where harvest was long, Bekah broke her leg, Ava didn't get pregnant, all four children have had or do have hand, foot and mouth and there are other challenges too but realizing God is with us in the valleys and surrounds us with beautiful mountains that we can choose to enjoy. And that is what I need to do... Jay is done with harvest and I get to enjoy having him around again. Bekah's leg is healing and should get her cast off on Wednesday. Hannah and Bekah are seemingly better and I have family around to help with all challenges and I don't have to do it alone. I have a great Bible study going that I am learning so much from and I'm not going to let the evil one steal my joy. "This is the day that the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it." O how I want that to be the song in my heart.
So that's it. It probably makes no sense to anyone but I wanted to write. Let me know about your mountains and valleys.
The pictures are from last weekend's fun... the kids don't look at the camera anymore so this is what we call family pictures... it's who we are. Good night all.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Feeling like a true fall weekend.
This is Julia on Labor Day weekend. We had so much fun in Fargo. We stopped off for a visit at the RMCC first to see the girls I used to work with & show off Julia. We were able to stay at my friend Alesha's house which was such a blessing. The kids had room to run and play. We had a yard, playground and our own rooms; it made the weekend so much more enjoyable. My brother and sister-in-law stayed at a hotel so we also had access to a pool. With good food, shopping, playing outdoors, family and friends; it was a good time had by all. FYI: miniature golf + 4 kids 3 and younger = hazards (we had fun anyway!).
Then this past weekend was filled with family togetherness and fun. Jay, Jack and I were able to get away to Grand Forks Friday afternoon. Saturday we went to the Newfest parade, took naps and then returned to Newfest for the Woodpicks concert where the kids got to play and dance on the street to the music with friends from church. It was nice time together and with friends. Sunday we tried out Sunday school and I think it will work. The girls do so well in the nursery and Jack is familiar with the other kids from children's church. We got more naps in and then Jay and Jack went on the their first coyote hunt and were successful; Jack was so excited. It feels so good to be enjoy time together as a family of six!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Fall & 3 months!
It's finally fall! I love the change of seasons... and I LOVE this season. So many good things... harvest, apples, pumpkins, changes in leaf color, cooler weather, hot cocoa, squash, chili and such more. I hope I can get some good pictures of our family and events this fall. I've ordered the knit hats for the girls and can hardly wait until they arrive. Clothes are even more fun in the fall. I'm excited too for fall schedules. They can be packed but they include good things like bible studies, more playdates, pumpkin and apple orchards, a possible football game, awana and more. I hope to make the most of this season. It just seems like everything is more fun in the fall.
Julia is 3 months old now. She is such a good baby. She smiles, coos, holds her head up well when on her stomach and enjoys the einstein playstation too. She is quite a delightful baby. All the kids love her too, however, her safety is in danger most of the time. She has faired well and I hope as she continues to grow she develops her own defense mechanisms. She changes everyday. I do look forward to rolling, sitting, etc. but she can wait on anything involving moving from one side of the house to the other until spring... I have enough to chase down until then!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday, Jack!
Three years ago today, our beautiful baby boy was born at 1:38am. I was so excited to have a little boy and was so glad we got to use the name Jack. That was the day all my selfishness was about to be tested and all the love my heart had to give was stretched. I never knew how hard and easy it was to love someone so completely. I wanted to do everything perfectly so he would have the perfect life but soon realized that was impossible and so started the motherhood guilt. Since then was have both grown so much. He is an avid talker, thinker, creator and player. I couldn't be more proud of him. We have our challenges but he is just a good boy. Year two to three brought conversations, potty training, dressing and disciplining. I can only imagine the adventures we will have from three to four. Hannah, Bekah and Julia enjoyed celebrating his birthday too! I love you Jack.
Friday, July 9, 2010
1 month old!

I just going to write quickly this morning. I cannot believe that one month has already passed since Julia was born. She really is a good baby. She is more awake most days now and she loves to lay on the floor, look around and listen to Jack. She also does quite well with tummy time and lifting her head. I hope to get more summer pictures soon but photography has really taken a back seat to everything else. Bekah didn't make it in any of these photos because she wasn't fond of the camera that past couple of days; she's feeling a little under the weather. We are hopefully heading to Fargo for a quick get away. My mom is taking care of the oldest three kids for two nights; bless her! More later.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Introducing Julia Ann Hvidsten!
On June 8th, 2010 at 8am, we arrived at Altru Hospital to induce the labor of our baby. I was nervous, wondering how things would go. I knew there were many people praying and that did give me a sense of peace. We were off and running by 9:15 am. I decided to "rest" and Jay decided to visit a friend who was in the hospital; after all it was simply time to wait.
The checks came every two hours with my water being broken at 1:45pm and contractions becoming more regular by 2pm. However, by 3:30 pm not much had happened. The nurse was reassuring that it could start progressing fast at anytime. I thought, "yeah, right". But by 4:30 things were definitely picking up pace. I could almost feel myself progressing by the moment no matter how weird that seems. And by 5:15pm, things were getting intense. My dream for a delivery with no epidural or episiotomy was fading. My contractions were tolerable at times with decent breaks in between and completely overwhelming at other times with me saying, "no, I really cannot do this anymore". That was said at least three times until at about 5:50pm, Jay and I knew it would last much longer. He was running out of suggestions and reassuring words and I was positive the baby was making it's way out into the world. The nurse quickly had everyone in the room helping in every way but the Dr. Brown was On His Way... his presence wasn't needed as far as I was concerned. After being told not to push through 2 contractions, he arrived and things were looking up. I actually did scream during the delivery which is completely embarrassing but I think it helped me push better (at least it made me feel better). He was ready and with the next contraction I pushed 4 times and SHE was out! I had done it with the Lords strength. I remember close to delivery time that Jay pray for the Lord to give me strength and that was so encouraging! He had thought of the most helpful way to assist... pray.
My world changed the moment I saw her head and shoulders. It was like I was back, in the world with others and not just inside myself anymore. ( I thought about Eve and Jesus a lot toward the end of my labor. No matter how ridiculous this sounds, I was mad at Eve and then remembered that I am a sinner just like her. Then to Jesus whose pain was nothing that I could even ever try to imagine. I knew the Lord was with me, Jay and the baby and things would be ok.) Once she made her appearance, I could communicated with everyone and I even cut the umbilical cord! We didn't know she was a girl for a while as the resident just stood there with her. It took a few asking, "what is it" before the nurses doing the assessment made the announcement. I thought it would be so nice for Jack to have a brother, but when they said, "it's a girl", I knew our Julia was always meant to be with us, teach us something and just enrich our lives. She is an answer to our prayers!
The last few days have been good and hard. She is such a blessing but does not like sleeping alone at night. But this too shall pass. I'm sure I will have more to say but I just wanted to share a piece of the beginning of Julia's life so you could all start to enjoy her too!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Playtime and summery weather
What a blessing it is to have this playset and warm weather. It's so nice to have a place for the kids to play without loading them in the car and driving 5-20 miles away. I am so glad to have this time with the kids before the baby comes. I think it will be quite a summer but we will have to be creative. The girls love to climb and slide almost as much as Jack and he is doing quite well with sharing slide time.
The baby is due to arrive in about 6 weeks but Lord willing, it will be delivered healthy and safely the week before I'm due. We have some post baby plans in process but the push to get ahead of the game or least catch up is underway. The one main plan is the finishing of the play area outside and possibly inside. My aunt and uncle are planning to come mid-May to help with all of that. The rain this weekend has been such a blessing too. Jay has been home, it should benefit the planted crops and has enable me to get a few things gone through and ready for the rummage sale!
The baby is due to arrive in about 6 weeks but Lord willing, it will be delivered healthy and safely the week before I'm due. We have some post baby plans in process but the push to get ahead of the game or least catch up is underway. The one main plan is the finishing of the play area outside and possibly inside. My aunt and uncle are planning to come mid-May to help with all of that. The rain this weekend has been such a blessing too. Jay has been home, it should benefit the planted crops and has enable me to get a few things gone through and ready for the rummage sale!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Springtime weekend.

This has been a tiring weekend but we have had some fun in the process. The kids had fun outside despite bumps, bruises and a runny nose. The calves are almost all born; 1 to go. We also started working on the playset that is an answer to prayer. Jack loves the slide and the girls like the climbing and sliding too. I cannot believe how well they climb; the only problem will be to make sure they come down the right way safely. I'm excited for the week ahead and hope that it will be a good one; Lord willing.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Weekend with friend, family and photoshoot
We started off our weekend with pizza. I think it should be a "tradition" to have pizza on Friday or Saturday night. My friend, Alesha, came to visit from Fargo and it is always so fun to have her here. She met us at my parents house for supper and she brought us pizzas from Papa Murphy's! We started the next morning by taking pictures with different lenses and camera settings to see what we could come up with. We liked the results of the girls' pictures with their new dresses. Both girls love to put on their dresses so they had a lot of fun too.

On Sunday, we went to church and also did some work on the girls' scrapbook. She did the major stuff and I picked out pictures, arranged other pictures and worked on the shadow boxes. That evening after naps we went to Warren to play and have a treat. Daddy worked on Friday and Saturday so we were glad he could join us for some fun on Sunday; Grandpa and Grandma joined us at the park too. Alesha headed back to Fargo this morning and we hope to see her again in May!
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